As with any recycling program, the recycling of ink cartridges aims to preserve the natural ambience of our planet that should diminish the various hazards resulted by the sustained disposing of inkjet plastic containers that cartridges happen to be.
Another obvious reason, being the main reason to motivate consumers to participate in the recycling programs would be money saving. So what are the particular steps to the recycling process? Technically, this is a process of purchasing the ink and refilling the existing cartridge, then putting it back to its normal performance. The number of circles that a recycling may be done is limited by two major reasons. The first reason is due to legal predicaments in that certain brands of cartridges are being purchased with the wholesale discount and are therefore marked as 'dispose only' which means that those may only be used the single time. The opposite should be correct as well - in that if you don't see such 'dispose only' label, then it is entirely legal to proceed with the refill process, in other words - this cartridge is absolutely eligible for the recycling program. You may then proceed with submitting your cartridge to the authorized dealership workshop where it will be refilled using the particularly designed professional tool set. An alternative here would be in trying to recycle on your own using the retailer offered tool kit that would include a drilling device and a ink refill container with the special outlet which you may use to safely insert a new portion of ink into your existing cartridge.
You may try to recycle your cartridge 2 to 3 times without considerably losing in the print job quality. The print head may eventually be clogged to the point that further recycling be entirely impossible or the print job quality be unacceptable. In this situation, please consider disposing of your used cartridge as you would normally do with the plastic material in your area of residence.
Today practically everybody owns a printer at home, so lots of people at least once faced the problem when ink cartridges are out. Earlier you had to make the round of a number of shops to find what you want but today you can use the Internet to look for print cartridges and even to buy them with delivery to your place. You can save a lot of precious time.